Manager on Demand

We help you look after the money and people side of your business with passion, commitment, and results.


You have probably heard of this adage before “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there”. And, today more than ever it is true that if you don’t know where your organization is heading you are heading for disaster. As companies compete more aggressively for space and industries are impacted by globalization, it is clearer that companies need to have the right strategy to navigate the right path.

We can help your organization uncover opportunities that will take your business to the next level.

We will work with you to

  • Develop or assess your current mission and vision, values and their alignment with your company’s goals and objectives
  • Assess your organization readiness and operations structure
  • Ensure the correct alignment of internal resources and preparation for the road ahead.
  • Provide ongoing support in every step of the way in the new undertakings.

Success is 99% planning and determination, and 1% luck. Let us help you reach your success.

Human Resources and Performance Management

To be successful, every organization needs the right mix of resources be it financial, physical, or human.

As the demand for qualified and skilled employees increases, it is becoming increasingly difficult to not only find the right candidate but also attract and retain them.

Organizations must now move fast and stay ahead of their competition and that can only be achieved with the right mix of talent and skills.

As experienced HR Professionals, we will work with you to:

  • Strengthen and support your recruitment process
  • Ensure a fair application of Employment Standards in your organization and compliance with other employment best practices and regulations
  • Develop and Implement Employment Contracts
  • Train your Management team
  • Assess your Performance Management System and recommend sound and practicable solutions

Training and Facilitation

Businesses spend considerable amounts of money in training and engagement activities that many times are unsuccessful. The main reason: they are imposed by management and/or employees or other stakeholders do not have a buy-in or a say in what should work or how it should be delivered.

That is where Facilitation comes in. It gives those with a stake in the outcome or results the opportunity to have a say, express opinions, and agree on ways to reach them in a safe and engaging environment.

Facilitation helps in agreeing on and designing deliverables as well as in assigning accountability among those who take part in it. It helps in uncovering opportunities for management and other stakeholders to focus on and pursue. And, we also provide the training support required to turn those plans into actions.

We also work on training your staff/employees on culturally sensitive issues and in creating an engaging and respectful workplace.